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Full Moon in Libra

Today's full moon is in the sign of Libra - known for inspiring the energy of fairness and balance. Some folks are also celebrating the Easter holiday. This annual ritual is a reminder to give pause and reflect on the ways we are always being reborn, each day, each breath. From the lens of earth based spiritual roots, this symbol of rebirth and renewal invites you to come home to your authentic self. I've spent the last two weeks in an intensive training with Carol Gray and one of the practices that we have been working with is coming up with what is your one burning question. What is it that you are in the process of rebirth and renewing and what is it that is being learned through that process? What are you curious about and what are you longing to finally embody as your own inner truth?

My question this past week has been "How am I resting?"

And I'm not talking about sleep (although that is important too). When I use the word rest here, I'm speaking to one's capacity to be at ease and to remain in balance with yourself. Resting in this context refers to the deep inner need to be in alignment with one's own true pacing. In doing so, you remain connected to your authentic nature and higher self. It has been really profound to notice just how many moments and activities in my day are not "restful" and how addictive it is to move into creating a bit of chaos. One way that I noticed that is so subtle and personal is my tendency to stay in bed about 10 minutes longer than I should if I want to be on-time and moving with ease. On the surface it might appear that I'm surrendering into getting more rest but for me, what it actually is, is chaos making in disguise. It's a strange habit of reducing my time just enough to cause me to feel stressed and flustered as I run around trying to get myself ready in the morning but not too much that I'm super late or it would be noticeable to wherever it is I'm headed to. A really proficient way to keep me locked into the familiar pattern of stress and overextension. And the irony is not lost on me; that this stems from the paradoxical moment when I choose to not be in relationship with rest while I lay in bed in the morning. My wounding is not without it's own sense of humor.

So on this full moon with it's energy geared towards harmony and balance, I invite you into the practice of asking yourself - what is your one burning question? What is it you are currently learning and have great curiosity about? Create this question under the light of the moon and ask her energy to bring you clarity.

Here are the guidelines when creating your question:

  • Your question cannot be a yes/no answer question.

  • Your question should be focused on one aspect. For example, my question started out as "How am I staying connected to rest and being balanced?" This has three parts - connection, rest, and balance. I had to distill it down further to get to the simplest element I was most curious about.

  • A trick is to start you question with "How". This helps to broaden the question to include all the diverse moments of your life and highlights what processes are working in harmony with your learning and what ones are working against it.

I would LOVE to know what your questions are! Please send me an email and let me know :) Or scroll to the bottom and leave your question in the comments section to share with everyone. It can be so inspiring to see what others are working on too. And if you'd like help with yours - let me know that too! I'd be happy to offer some feedback.

Sending you all lots of love and blessings

With kindness



Are you feeling burnt out?

I'm here to help! I'm offering Wellness Business Coaching 1:1 sessions for healers, helpers, and wellness professionals. After being my friend group's go-to consultant on all things business (and loving it), I decided that I wanted to offer this to the wider community. If you have been struggling with your business, are looking for work/life balance, feel overextended, or want to up level your offerings - then let's talk! Send me an email and let me know what's been going on. I can't wait to help you build the business that is in alignment with your authenticity and purpose. You can learn more HERE.


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