Here we are. Fall colors. Crisp air. And the mood is internal and longing to get cozy. This is the season of nesting and preparing for another winter. And there is no room for any BS.

This full moon in Aries, fiery and strong willed, has the energy of burning down what is ready to go and sealing the door so it cannot return. Take stock of what has transpired over the last year and what lessons have come to your doorstep, what people have revealed their true nature and therefore the truth of your relationship, who is still in your ride or die crew and which relationships have been burnt up in a cremation fire, and what ways of being are ready to be swept up along with the decaying leaves and turned into compost?
These are the pondering of these moon lit days. The energy is sharp. Clear. Almost abrasive. However this is the time to speak directly as there are aspects here that have outstayed their welcome.
Your practice this full moon is three-fold.
Part 1
Take time over the coming days to write down the things that are no longer welcome by your fireside. Be 100% honest about what you are truly ready to release as this moon's energy is a powerful agent for letting go. Once you have written your list, visualize these aspects gone from your life. What are you doing? How do you feel? What is different? Feel the feelings that come along with the endings and envision clearly you life without them.
Now light a fire (somewhere safe) and burn that paper.
Part 2
Protect your home.
Now that you have released what is no longer serving you. Seal you home energetically and protect it from any energy that might want to creep back in or new but unwanted aspects to show up.
Create a banishing talisman. This can be anything. From a rock or stone to an ornate piece of art. What matters is that you know what it is and it carries some resonance with you. Take the talisman into your hands and feel your own power coming through your hands and into your talisman.
Say these words:
"I infuse you with the power of protection.
Protect this home and all that are in it.
Circle this home with a protective field.
Any being, energy, or person from any timeline, realm, or dimension that causes harm is banished from here. Their energy is returned to them 3 fold.
Only beings, energy, and persons with loving & just intentions and highest compassion may enter this field.
And so it be"
Now place this talisman outside your home somewhere. It should be somewhere that you feel is the perimeter of your space or home. It should face outward in someway. Secure it to it's location and spend a moment once it is place reaffirming it's purpose of protection. You can repeat the spell above or a summary of it in your own words.
Part 3
This is one of my favorite ways to energetically protect a space. It is also super easy.
Line the corners of your home with a protective barrier using black stones/crystals such as obsidian or tourmaline. Place one stone in the corners of each doorway, window, and/or wall. I also like to place a stone over the actually doorways of each room and entryway as a way of creating a protective seal over each space. Using the black stones in the corners to absorb any negative energy and not allow it to pass through and using other stones of your liking over the doorways. Tourmaline crystals have powerful cleansing and purification energy. They pull the energy from spaces much light how black material can absorb the sunlight. This makes them ideal for using for protection. They are also said to be very healing for transmuting negative emotions and offering strength for change. Obsidian is a powerful crystal for anchoring and grounding. It is also a strong protector crystal that is aligned with seeking the truth. Both of these crystals are my favorite to use in my home for their protective properties. It is also important to regularly clean and clear the stones so that any energy they have absorbed is released. Simply washing them and spending a few moments to thank them for their protection and release any energy back to source. Seal the deal by walking through the house with some sage and as the smoke fades visualize the release of any lingering unwanted energy.
May you be blessed with the protective light of the goddess moon and the strength of the earth mother.
Happy full moon blessings!
In the need of some self care and extra support?
Energy Healing with Kate
Come check out an energy balancing session with Kate Drake, LAc. Kate offers a Quantum Shiatsu Energy Healing session that is a wonderful way to realign and find balance. I had a wonderful session the other week with Kate that was subtle and grounding and left me feeling restored. I slept like a baby for days afterward.
Click HERE to learn more and schedule
Therapeutic Massage with Rebecca
Calm your nerves and release your tension with a soothing and relaxing massage with Rebecca. She is the best seriously. Intuitive and present, her massages are magic.
Click HERE to learn more and to schedule
