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Moonlight Herbal Tea Activation

As the cooler weather is moving in, so is warm beverage season (along with cold season). I caught a little cold this past week and missed the full moon so I thought I'd share with you all what I did do instead and one of my favorite herbal tea recipes for warming both the spirit and your body to help boost your immune system and ease any sniffles or cold symptoms.

  • 1) Optional (but awesome) first step: Take a big mason jar full of water and leave in the window sill overnight or outside to soak in the moonlight. This infuses the water with the energy of the moon. Depending on the phase of the moon or if its heading towards full or moving towards dark, the moon water will take on the properties of that phase. (If you want to learn more about moon phases and working with spells, sign up for the waitlist for my fall course Somatic Intuitive Healing and there is a whole lesson on Moon Magic).

  • 2) Boil some water (or your moon water if you have some) and once the water is boiling add in a few slices of ginger root. Turn down the heat and let the ginger simmer for about 5 minutes. You can add more or less ginger depending on your spicy tolerance. If the water boils down too much just add a little more water in.

  • 3) Next pour the into your favorite mug.

  • 4) Add the juice of one whole lemon

  • 5) Add anywhere from a 1/8 teaspoon to whole teaspoon (or more if you're really into the spice) of cayenne. Note: If you are new to spicy or have a low tolerance, you might even start off with less. You can work your way up. But the cayenne is a powerful herb for the immune system and for moving through congestion so if you are feeling stuffed up or a little feverish, this herb can really help. So when I'm feeling not so hot, I add more hot :)

  • 6) Add a good size spoonful of honey

  • 7) Mix it all together and let it cool to your preferred drinking temp

  • 8) Once it is ready to drink - give your tea a blessing to infuse it with the energy of nourishment and health. Holding your tea cup in your hands say these words (or words that are similar and resonate with you)

BLESSING: "From my humble and grateful heart, I call on my guides and beings of light of the highest authority and compassion, bless this tea with the energy of health and nourishment. May this tea support my body in finding health and healing. And so it be"

9) Drink and enjoy your tea :)

Remember loves; everyday is filled with magic and by bringing a sense of ritual and spirit into the mundane, you sprinkle light & sparkles throughout your life.

With blessings and love!




If you haven't heard, I'm putting together an amazing online course this fall and registration will open in a few days! It is an virtual healing journey for embodied awakening and transformational healing! Sign up on the waitlist to get first dibs and a sweet little exclusive discount!

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